Help me! A new writer’s dilemma
I want to become a writer. Not as a profession, but as an identity and in spirit. I’m in a good habit of writing a journal now, but struggle to add posts to my blog. I’m not sure if that’s from fear, perfectionism, or just not having the skill and time to give to producing high quality writing.
Here’s my dilemma:
I feel like I want to start converting more of my thoughts into blogs.
Maybe one way of doing that is to aim to write shorter blogs. 2 min reads maybe.
I’m also happy to release a more casual style of blog. Like when I read my first two blogs, they’re so still, self-conscious and over worked that they lose the essence of what I’m trying to convey. So I don’t mind experimenting a bit.
In fact, I think it’s a good thing to release more ‘freely written’ content, but my only apprehension is the structure of a blog: They need a clear sort of problem/ solution type structure. They need subtitles and a conclusion and I don’t think it’s easy to convert these types of ramblings into that (from my journal).
And then maybe if I do try (to convert these ramblings into more fleshed out substantial blogs) then they will become overwritten and again lose that flow that you seem to get with people who are less inhibited when they write.
It’s a dilemma.
Maybe it’s a case of needing to be brave and being less of a perfectionist. That’s what they advise after all. Or is that just akin to lowering your standards and getting sloppy?
What do you think?