Finally at 200 Followers: Lessons I’ve Learned Along the Way
I had been led to believe that after 100 followers, growth would be exponential and it would all be plain sailing. My experience is the complete opposite.
My Journey So Far
As you can see from the screenshot below: after I actually got to 100 followers my growth slowed down significantly and almost looks like it’s halting to a stop.
This just shows you one year of Medium, but captures pretty well the moment that I decided to start reading and writing more often. I made a decision to nurture my creative side as a 2022 resolution and only got brave enough to post that summer.
If you had seen the previous year, my follower count was pretty dismal! But then again, I maybe posted one or two stories all year.
What I’ve learned
I’m fairly sure that the drop-off in views isn’t a comment on the ceiling of my potential as a blogger!
What I am more confident on, is that the exponential growth most writers report after hitting 100 followers is actually largely due to the habit and skill that they have picked up along the way!
If I’m being honest I can’t say I’ve been super consistent with my writing. I’ve had ideas that either haven’t materialized, or I haven’t had the courage to put it out there. That’s just me being totally honest.
Neither can I say that I’ve been reading all that much. I think that Medium is more of a platform to share ideas and uplift others and I have spent more time doing other things like watching films instead of reading.
I do believe (in the loosest possible terms) in the power of manifestation and self-actualization and if you’re reading blogs, magazines, and books, and taking an interest in those things then it will exude through your own writing and it will inspire you to comment on the relevant topics that people want to hear about.
So the 200 mark feels like less of a celebration and more of a wake-up call. The complete opposite of my 100 moment!
I’m thinking of doing one of those one-post-a-day challenges for a month maybe. Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever tried it and how that felt for you.
Also, if you’ve read this far, please leave a comment about yourself and your page (and maybe your journey if you have time) as it would be nice to follow a few more aspirational and inspirational writers similar to myself!